News & Events

Listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange

Listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange

Webinar presented by Julia Charlton: On 17 November 2022, Julia Charlton presented a webinar on Listing Asian companies on Aquis. Now available on the Charltons YouTube-channel.
Charltons sponsoring RCS Cricket Sixes Cup 2022 – 18 November 2022 Kowloon Cricket Club

Charltons sponsoring RCS Cricket Sixes Cup 2022 – 18 November 2022 Kowloon Cricket Club

Charltons is delighted to be a sponsor of the RCS Cricket Sixes Cup 2022! Charltons warmly welcomes you to join us for an exciting cricket sixes tournament free of charge 12 noon – 6:30 pm and/or dinner at 6:30pm (HK$600 per person, register here) on 18 November 2022 at Kowloon Cricket Club. A charity auction will also take place during the event in support of Impact HK. Impact HK, charity which helps the homeless in Hong Kong.