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Join us for Webinar II of Charltons Online Crypto Regulation Forum at 5 pm 15 January 2021

Join us for Webinar II of Charltons Online Crypto Regulation Forum at 5 pm 15 January 2021

Webinar II will consider the progress that has been made in implementing FATF’s revised recommendations (including Hong Kong’s progress) and the implementation of other AML/CFT obligations. Webinar II will focus on an analysis of Hong Kong’s domestic regulation of cryptocurrencies and related activities, laying out the regulatory scope of Hong Kong’s SFC and guiding participants through various Hong Kong SFC statements and Hong Kong regulatory frameworks that comprise the various applicable regulations in Hong Kong. This analysis will be concluded in Webinar III.
Join us for Webinar I of Charltons Online Crypto Regulation Forum at 5 pm 8 January 2021

Join us for Webinar I of Charltons Online Crypto Regulation Forum at 5 pm 8 January 2021

The webinar will provide participants with a foundation upon which the subsequent webinars will build, with a focus on key terminology, #crypto developments and trends and different regulatory approaches, before turning to a discussion of virtual asset #regulation, in particular FATF Standards and revised recommendations (which apply to Hong Kong) as an example of international standard setting in the crypto sphere